Friday 15 August 2014

Nigeria’s Goal to Contain Ebola within Sawyer’s Contacts Wins UN Praise

But for the ill-conceived visit of Patrick Sawyer, the American-Liberian who brought the killer Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) to Nigeria on July 20, the country may have been spared the scourge being unleashed on its citizenry.
Sawyer, who knew he had the deadly infection, flew into Lagos on July 20 purporting to attend an ECOWAS conference in Calabar. But his widow, Mrs Decontee Sawyer, says Patrick came to Nigeria in search of a better healthcare services. According to her, Patrick went to Nigeria for help so that he can get properly diagnosed, and not misdiagnosed as was the case in Liberia. And if it came back that he did have Ebola, he trusted the Nigerian healthcare system a lot more than he trusted the Liberian’s. His action, as it was, was a desperate plea for help. Patrick didn’t want to die, and he thought his life would be saved in Nigeria. Tragically, his search for life in Nigeria deposited a plague that is snuffing life from Nigerians. He died four days after he was admitted at the First Consultants Medical Centre in Lagos, wherein he denied having contact with Ebola-infected persons. Whereas, his sister, Princess had died from the infection back in Liberia, and he most likely got infected, having participated in her burial. His reckless attitude at the hospital after his infection was confirmed, indicated that he was determined to infect as many as he could. Sadly, all 10 persons who had direct contact with Sawyer have all tested positive to the disease. They have all been quarantined in an isolation ward at a Yaba hospital in Lagos. Of the number, four have died, while six are yet alive.
Thisday Newspaper

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